Hello world!

Finally figured it out! YAY for me!

Twilight here in San Diego.  Who could ask for a more perfectly designed sunset?  My picture window faces west, so sunsets are a big thing at this house.  Each and every one looking as if it is hand painted.  Last week we had a huge thunder storm (VERY unusual here!) and the sunset was spectacular.  If I ever figure out how to add pictures to my Ramblin’ Blog – ya’ll will get to see it also!  But for the time being – just take my word for it – LOVELY!

About katzpawz

Rabid Reader, devoted Christian, love crafting, cooking, sewing, watching the owls on the internet, movies, feeding my loved ones and generally enjoying my life!
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2 Responses to Hello world!

  1. wolf122663 says:

    Hi there, your blog is beautiful. I love the picture. My grandson takes photos like this all the time, and you are right it is lovely. All God’s creations are lovely.

  2. Ohhh, that’s very pretty Katz! A perfect picture for the imagination of a writer. I just may have to steal that scene. 😉

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